What is Potted meat?

Hormel: Beef tripe, mechanically separated poultry, beef hubs, partly defatted cooked beef fatty tissue, beef broth, vinegar, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, sugar, and sodium nitrite.

The Main components of Potted Meat these times are automatically separated poultry, beef tripe, and salt.

Check out different recipes with potted meat:

How to Make Potted Meat

I enjoy this recipe best since it's quite easy, it doesn't require any added nitrites and it can be executed with the average individual has available. We're likely use a modern-day twist on the"POTS" utilized but apart from that it will be pretty much the exact same method used at the 1700s. Check its recipe...

Potted Beef

This makes a great beginner or a fantastic deal simply to get in the refrigerator and dip into whenever you really feel as a bite. Drink some toast and a couple of gherkins or cornichons. Read the recipe..

About us

Hi! I am Shirley. I have been preparing different dishes since years and have tried several Potted meat dishes that I am going to share here. Let me know if you have any questions or have prepared the dishes and your views on it!